29 April 2017

Let the Victory Parade Begin

You know what this is, people?

Yes, it's a pillow.  But not just any pillow.  Nope.  It's a brand new pillow.

You know how I said I drooled, sweated, and slumbered my way through chemo?  Yeah, well my pillow kinda took the brunt of that.  So I promised myself that once I had finished sweating out all the stinky ChemoPoison drugs, I'd buy a new one.  And not just any new one.  But a high-thread-count, goose down (certified humane, of course) fancy schmancy pillow.   This, my friends, is that pillow.

Hold onto your internet handlebars, folks, because there are going to be a LOT of celebrations like this over the next few weeks.  Sneak peak for Friday:  first beer!  Crazy.

26 April 2017

The Final Countdown

OK, so its not quite that dramatic, but this chemo cycle has been a complete bitch.  The cumulative effect of six Triple Cocktails is rearing its ugly little alien head.  I've managed to sleep, drool, and sweat this week, and not much else.  I'll spare you the gory details.

Insomnia has been a thing this week ... maybe because I sleep most of the day.  Anyway, my faithful companion keeps me company at 0400, even if I have to bribe her with Ginger Snap Cookies (which incidentally, seem to be the only thing that doesn't make me feel like I ate an alien).

But the good news is this is the last round.  Just gotta get through this next week.  Keep swimming, keep swimming, keep swimming.   

13 April 2017

28% Done!

First of all, I guess I should clear up any confusion caused by my last post.  No, I haven't given up on chemo and dragged the rest of the Norvell Pack on an epic road trip.  (Seriously people, have you ever known me to give up on anything?????).   The whole "I told Doug to hook up the RV" was more .... shall we say ..... aspirational.  Oh, there will be a road trip, and it will be freaking epic (think: mountains, beer, dogs, and an RV) .... it just isn't happening for a few months/years/somethings.

In other news, my heart issues seem to have stabilized.  I still get the flutters, racing, and helium-head, but I've learned to live with it.   Oh, and I figured out that if I (listen to the doctor and) stay away from caffeine, the heart stuff isn't as severe.  Yeah, that's right, Cancer - first you took my boobs, then my hair and wine, and now you're taking away my coffee too?  Cancer is such an asshole.

Today marked Week 15 of chemo.

Despite the giant tube sticking out of my chest, I'm actually having a good day!

Which went a lot better than Week 14......

Do you think the Barf Bag company would hire me as a promotional model???

Anyway, today I am 28.84% of the way done with chemo (according to the geteasysolution.com anyway .... y'all know I don't do math).  But the real news is that only ONE of those 37 remaining weeks is a Triple Cocktail ChemoPoison week!!  Next Friday marks my last dance with devil!  All the other drugs and surgeries in my future are just a good excuse to use the free internet at the hospital.

Happy Easter or Passover or Spring or whatever floats your boat this weekend.  Don't forget to stop for a few minutes every now and then, take a deep breath, and appreciate all the beautiful things.



07 April 2017

My Kindred Spirit Woman

This.  All day long, this.

I just told Doug to hook up the RV.  We're hittin' the road!!!!!

03 April 2017

Opening Day

99.9% of having cancer sucks.  But recovering from a nasty chemo in the hammock on Opening Day doesn't suck.  (Of course, it only lasted 2 innings before I was snoring away, but my Sox won anyway!)