29 April 2017

Let the Victory Parade Begin

You know what this is, people?

Yes, it's a pillow.  But not just any pillow.  Nope.  It's a brand new pillow.

You know how I said I drooled, sweated, and slumbered my way through chemo?  Yeah, well my pillow kinda took the brunt of that.  So I promised myself that once I had finished sweating out all the stinky ChemoPoison drugs, I'd buy a new one.  And not just any new one.  But a high-thread-count, goose down (certified humane, of course) fancy schmancy pillow.   This, my friends, is that pillow.

Hold onto your internet handlebars, folks, because there are going to be a LOT of celebrations like this over the next few weeks.  Sneak peak for Friday:  first beer!  Crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Keep the parade going! I hope you are enjoying all the things and the fancy pillow.
