04 July 2010

Day One Finished and I Haven't Been Voted Off The Island

It's official:  I'm an Officer in the United States Army.  Took the oath, signed the papers, and was told that the Army owns me 24/7 for the next 4 years.  Alrighty then, that is what I signed up for isn't it?

The first day was surprisingly .... well ..... air conditioned.  It certainly did not justify the sniveling slobbering bawling fear-induced meltdown I had last night (during which I wailed "WTF?" several times .... poor Doug!).  Hell, we're not even permitted to do any PT yet.  But, judging by the schedule we received today, we'll get to "play Army" real soon.  Next week when I'm spending quality time in the gas chamber or an entire day wearing protective gear on the firing range in 103-degree heat, someone remind me that I was a little disappointed to spend the first day in an air-conditioned classroom, OK?  

A few observations about my class:
- There are about 80 of us.  Only 10 are women.
- There are a handful of us nearing our 40's.  A small handful.  The rest of the class is in their mid-20's.  (I said something today about how the PT standards get a lot easier when you turn 40, to which the guy next to me responded:  "well, I'm only 25, so I've got a way to go".  Yeah, I felt old.)
- Some people still don't know how to read directions.  They've graduated law school and passed a bar exam, but they are apparently incapable of following the simplest written instructions.  Seriously people -- how do you screw up "white socks with no logos"?
- Army people sure say "hooah" a lot.  Even the lawyers.  Seriously....all day long.  Even when sitting in an air-conditioned classroom.

So, I survived the first day.  I didn't get voted off, didn't fall out of a run, didn't get yelled at, and -- thank good god -- did not get voluntold to be class leader.  All in all a pretty good day.


  1. Ahhh...JAOBC. Maybe you will have "high heat" days similar to the "snow days" we experienced there. Seriously, we missed 2 days of "training" during our 3 week course.

    Don't worry, Jen, I'm certain you will be "voluntold" for something real soon.

    HooAH! Did you learn the only thing HooAH can't mean?


  2. mayve you shoulda started this adventure in January when its a little less like Africa hot?
