06 January 2017

C Day One

Spent the last BC (before Chemo) day with my pack, hiking in the hills of South Texas, eating fantastic food (goat-cheese, walnut pesto, and honey-lemon glaze bruschetta anyone????), and enjoying one last Pale Ale up in Austin.  It was a fitting end to that chapter.  

Post-hike visit to ABGB (Austin Beer Garden Brewing), where $1 from every pint goes to dog rescue!

This morning was "C Zero Day" (which so far has been much less painful than Army Zero Day).  On the advice of a very wise woman who has conquered her own share of medical battles, I went for a run at o'dark thirty.  I certainly didn't set any PRs, but hell, I ran, so f**k you cancer!

O'Dark Thirty Run with my Best Buds .... I only got tangled in their leashes and ate pavement once!

My "C Bag" (thanks Kerri and Kate) was all packed with awesome stuff I've received from wonderful friends along this journey including a super-soft blanket, Tranquility natural oil, lots of natural lip balm, ginger-chew candies, and of course a big file of LexisNexis cases and my laptop for getting some goddamned work done while I"m strapped to this chair!  

Sunday took her post-run nap on my C bag.  I think I could almost fit her in there.....

Then it was off to the hospital (where they have free high-speed internet!!).  The nurses and docs here are all so wonderful.  We have our own little area with a chair for Doug, lots of plugs for computers, and a big window.  I guess if I'm going to be strapped to a chair for 4 hours, it might as well be comfortable.  

Life is Good.  'Nuff said.

Once they got me all hooked up, I settled right into work.  Hoping all those toxic drugs make my legal writing more forceful.  Watch out, government, I'm now on performance-enhancing drugs.  Fly that Jolly Roger!!  Arrrgh.

I'm actually working here, not blogging!

That's all for now.  No AC ("after-chemo") updates till tonight.  I just couldn't resist the temptation of free high-speed internet to upload some of these pics.  

Bring it.  


  1. We're here for you. Anything at any time (+/- 5.5 hrs transit)

  2. Great opportunity to write about Fourth Amendment! I once wrote in a brief about the fruit being as poisonous as the apple the evil Queen gave to Snow White.
